Run-through the Puranas in succinct!

Puranas are ancient Hindu texts that describe life from before creation to till date. They tell the History, Geography, genealogies of Kings, sages, and cosmology, and philosophy. They are written in form of stories and dialogues. Almost all of the Indian festivals and rituals derive their source from here. One can hear the stories from these Puranas told in a family ritual or Vrata Katha/Puja.  The fact that Puranas have undergone additions with time proves that these are open systems. It can be compared to a tree which is big outside but even bigger are its roots inside the soil. The Puranas carry the rich heritage of knowledge and a reality that awakens humankind.
Naimisharanya was the place where Vedavyasa taught all the Vedas and Puranas. The number of verses in each Purana is listed in other verses fo the Srimad Bhagavatam. The main puranas are 18 in number and equal number of subsidiary or Upa-puranas exist. Except Kalki and Vayu Purana all other Puranas listed above are the main Puranas or Mahapuranas. Puranas are supplementary explanations of the Vedas and are intended for different types of men. The Padma purana classifies them in accordance with the three gunas or modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. It helps one to get out of the hard struggle for existence.

I was looking for a resource where one could find the summary/contents of all the Puranas in one go. It made me write this post wherein I have given the gist/content of all the major 18 puranas and two other puranas. In doing so I have segregated them into three based on Vaishnava, Brahma or Shiva purana. 

Vaishnava Purana
Deals with
Vishnu Purana
(Authored by Veda Vyasa presented as dialogue between Parashara and his disciple Maitreya)
Part 1: Creation and concept of four Yugas;
Samudra Manthan;
Dhruva –devotee of Vishnu;
Kings Venu and Prithu;
Part 2: Prithu’s descendants the Prachetas;
Hiranyakasyapa and Prahlada;
Stories and many births of Jadabharata;
Part 3: Manavantara (cycles of creation and destruction)
Sage Vyasa and Yajnavalkya, Surya, Yama;
Devotees Shatadhanu and Shaivya;
Varnas (4 classes) and ashramas (4 stages of life);
Part 4: Kings from solar and lunar dynasties, Kali demon;
Shishunaga, Nanda and Maurya dynasties;
Part 5: Life of Shri Krishna- left earth and destruction of Yadava clan;
Part 6: Corruption in Kali age; Concept of Universal destruction and importance of Puranas.
Bhagavata Purana
(authored by Veda Vyasa recited first by his son Shuka to the dying king Parikshit, the grandson of Arjuna )
Recounting of events by storyteller Suta to Shaunaka and other sages in Naisimha Forest.
Book 1: Story of Parikshit;
Book 2: Yoga and Bhakti; 10 Avatars of Vishnu;
Book 3: Vidura’s pilgrimage – meets Uddhava ( Kurukshetra and Krishna leaving the world) and Sage Matreyi (creation of world, divisions of time);
Hiranyakasyapa and death by Varaha avatar of Vishnu;
Kapila’s samakhya teachings to liberate his mother Devahuti;
Book 4: Daksha, Sati and Shiva;
Dhruva’s penance and devotion to Vishnu; Liberation of Pracetas brothers;
Book 5: Manu’s sons and their children lead to Bharat;
Sun, moon and regions below the earth, and 28 hell;
Book 6: Ajamila reach Vaikuntha uttering ‘Na-ra-ya-na’
Victory of Indra over Viswarupa; Birth of the Maruts;
Book 7: Hiranyakasyapa and Prahlad and Narsimha avatar;
Book 8: Six past Manvantaras and the seven future ages of Manu;
Vishnu’s Vamana avatar and defeat of Bali;
Churning of the ocean is recounted with Kurma avatar of Visnu;
Book 9: Current age of Manu in full; History of Solar dynasty founded by Ikshvaku and Lunar dynasty founded by Pururavas;
Panchala, Magadha, Kuru, Anu, Druhyus, Turvasu- Yadu dynasty and birth of Krishna;
Book 10: Images and stories of Krishna;
Book 11: Destruction of Yadava dynasty; Krishna dies as a metal-tipped arrow strikes his foot;
Krishna’s ascent to Vaikuntha; Uddhava Gita;
Book 12: Future rulers of Magadha and future destruction of world (pralaya); story ends with death of Parikshit and snake sacrifice by his son Janmejaya;
$econd desc. Of Puranas, life of Markandeya, summary of Bhagavata and assurance that it is the greatest among Puranas.
Naradeya Purana
(dialogue between sage Narada and Sanatkumara)
Contains famous stories that occur in other puranas also.
Story of Markandeya son of sage Mrikandu;
Markandeya survives Pralaya- boon by Visnu;
Places of Pilgrimage, location and significance;
Garuda Purana
(dialogue between Visnu and Garuda)
Contains details of life after death, funeral rites and the reincarnation. Recited as a part Antyesti or funeral rites.
List of Punishments given in Naraka according to wrong doings;
22 Avatars of Vishnu: 1- young boy (brahmacharya and tapasya); 2- Varaha (Boar); 3- Devarishi (Great sage); 4- Nara-Narayana (two sages); 5- Kapila (Samkhya Yoga); 6- Dattatreya (Son of Atri and Anusuya); 7- Svayambhuva Manavantara (Son of Ruchi and Akuti); 8- Urukrama (son of Nabhi and Meru); 9- King Prithu; 10- Matsya (saved Vaivasvata Manu from the flood); 11- Kurma (Samudra Mantha); 12- Dhanvantri (physician of Gods); 13- Giant (cosmic form revealed to the rishis); 14- Narasimha; 15- Vamana (dwarf form wherein heaven restored to gods; asura King Bali); 16- Parashurama (killed all the wicked Kshatriyas 21times); 17- Veda Vyasa (Son of Parashara and Satyavati); 18- Narada; 19- Parasurama; 20- Rama; 21- Krishna; 22- Bouddha and the 23rd incarnation is yet to come.
Padma Purana
Part 1. Srishti Khand: dialogue b/w Bhisma and sage Pulastya;
Details of Pushkara, famous place of pilgrimage;
Part 2. Bhumi Khand: Desc. Of Prithvi and tales of Kings Prithu and Yayati;
Part 3. Svarg Khand: Sequence of creation of Cosmos; Jambudvipa, its mountains and rivers;
Part 4. Patal Khand: Life story of Rama; Life of Krishna; Shiv Gita;
Part 5. Uttar Khand: dialogue between Shiv and parvati; another version of Vishnu sahasranam and Ram sahasranam; Bhagavat Mahatmyam;
Varaha Purana
Rescue of Prithvi by Varaha avatar of Vishnu;
Dialogue b/w Varaha and Prithvi narrated by Suta to Sanatkumara; b/w Janamejaya  and Vaishampayana; b/w Brahma and Sanatkumara.
Vamana Purana
Eulogy prasing Visnu and Siva; Ten characteristics are described:
1. Sarga: Origin of this universe
2. Visarga: transformation of one species to another
3-6. Sthaana, Posthana, Uti, Vritti: various means employed by a man for his survival
7. Raksha: incarnations of Vishnu for protection of humankind
8. Manvantara: full history/account of the Manavantara period
9. Vansha: lineage of all kings inc. Lord Brahma
10. Upaashraya:  real meaning of Brahma
Also, accounts of tirthas, rivers and forests of Kurukshetra region.
Kurma Purana
Narrated by Lord Vishnu to sage Narada;
Kurma avatar divided in 4 Samhitas (sections);
Duties of Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras and Mixed castes;
6 magic acts;
Moksha dharma;
Matsya Purana
Cause of the avatar- conversation between Matsya and Manu;
Sarga and Pratisarga, story of Sarasvati;
Solar Dynasty;
Pitr-vamsa, diff. types of Shradda; Havya and Kavya by Pitrs; Story of Sage Kausika and ants; Story of Brahmadatta and four Sheldrake birds;
Lunar Dynasty;
History of Yayati and conversation b/w Devayani and Sukracharya; marriage of devayani to yayati; Meeting of sarmistha (devayani’s maid with yayati) in seclusion and birth of her son; enjoying of worldly pleasures by Yayati and then proceeding to forest crowning Puru as the king;
Fall of Yayati from heaven and conversation with Astaka;
Curse of Vasistha to Kartivirya; Andhaka race; Vrsni Dynasty;
Story of Bali and the birth of Karna; Puruvamsa, Bharatvamsa and the birth of Bharadvaja;
Rites and Rituals; Agni dynasty; Dharma and Adharma; Karma-yoga over Jnana –yoga; Merit of making the gift of Purana; Nakshatra Purusa; Merits of vow of Adita-sayana; Merits of adoration of siva in diff. months; rules of new tanks, temples, plant groves; Birth of Agastya and dialogue b/w Narada and Siva; Merits of various vows, charity, and various saptami’s; Mountain of gold sesamum, cotton-hill, clarified butter, gems, silver, sugar-hill- benefits and greatness of all gifts; Yudhithira’s meeting with sage Markandeya;
Glory of Prayaga as desc. By Vasudeva;
Geography of Jambudvipa; Bharatvarsha, Kipurusa and Harivarsa; Airavati river; Himalaya; Hermitage of sage Atri; King Pururava; Kailasa and Ganga besides Jambudvipa; Sakadipa, Kusadvipa and Salmalidvipa; Gomedaka nad Puskaradvipa;
Astronomy- speed of Sun and Moon; Sun and his chariot; Chariots of Planets and praise of Dhruva;
Tripura- build by Maya-danava; Killing of tripurasura; War b/w Nandikesvara and Tarakasura; Killing of Vidyunmali by Nandisvara; Pururava’s union with sun and moon;
Slaying of Taraka- Birth to death of Tarakasura; Marriage of Siva and Parvati, their quarrel; Parvati’s curse on Viraka and boon to Ekanamsa; Birth of Skanda and later killing of demon Taraka;
Narasimha avatara;
Emergence of Universe out of Lotus; Yugas, Visnu sleeps in ocean; five mahabhutas and a lotus from navel of Narayan; Birth of Madhu and Kaitabha; mind-born sons of Brahma;
Killing of Andhaka;
Glory of Varanasi; Mahatmya of Avimukta Tirtha; Kashi tirtha; Narmada Mahatmya;
Pravaras of Bhrgu race; Angira family; Atri family; Visvamitra family; Maharsi Kasyapa; Vasistha family; Parasara family; Pravaras; Dharma; Pitrs (manes); Donation of cows, black deer skin; Signs of an auspicious bull;
Tale of Savitri- boon from Dharmaraja; resuscitation of Satyavan;
Rajadharma- duties of a King, his servant; Bheda, Dana and Danda as Rajadharma; Graha santi; Santi during pregnancy; Vibration of diff. limbs and their effects; Dreams and Marching; Auspicious signs at the time going out;
Vamana and Varaha avatar;
Architecture- Vastu Deva; Vastu vidya; pedestals to place god; dimensions of the Phallus; consecration of the ideols; bathing of idols; Mandapas, temples;
Future dynasties: future Iksvakus and Brhadrathas; Pradyota, Sisunaka, Nanda, Maurya, Sunga, Kanva; Andhras, Yavanas, and Mlecchas, end of Yuga, origin of Kaliyuga;
Danadharma- diff. types of dana/donations.
Narration of Kalpas and conclusion of the contents of Puranas;
Kalki Purana
(Kalki- the 10th and final Dashavtara of Visnu)
Describes the exponential increase of evil and sin on earth during Kali Yuga; and life of Kalki who shall bring an end to the darkness of Kaliyuga and beginning of new yuga of sinlessness and peace: Satya Yuga;
Varna system will deteriorate; men will forget the name of god; no longer yagna’s; Canibalism will be virtually universal;
Lord Visnu to be born to Sumati and Vishnuyasha as Sri Kalki to reestablish Dharma;
Massacre of Sunyavadis (misled the people) at the city of Keekatpur; War with Koka and Vikoka; Satya Yuga (Golden Age) begins; Visnu returns to Vaikuntha; His sons would reign the earth as Kings of Shambhala;

Brahma’s Purana
Deals with
Brahma Purana
Creation of the cosmos;
Life and deeds of Rama and Krishna;
Gautami Mahamtya (Glorification of the Godavari River);
Purushottama Tirtha
Brahmanda Purana
Brahmanda (the Biggest Cosmic Egg)- Creation of Cosmos from a Golden egg in the beginning;
Time calculation: Kalpa and Yuga, four ages;
Boar Incarnation of Vishnu for uplifting the earth;
Religious geography- Jambudvipa and Bharata Varsha;
Vindu Lake-  Source of the Ganges;
Continents and their inhabitants, flora and fauna;
Solar System,  Time in days, months, years;
Battle b/w Sun and the Raksasas at Sun-set;
Stars, Planets, Constellations, Polar Star;
Clouds and Stratosphere;
Solar Car and its 7 heptads;
Siva blue-necked after swallowing poison;
Sages install Linga in Daru Forest- Ash bath;
Horse sacrifice of King Janaka;
7 Sages;
Progeny of Bhrgu and Aniras, Prajapati, Daksa, Dharma;
Legend of Jaya;
Narsimha Incarnation- Hiranyakasyapa;
Maruts, sons of Diti;
Progeny of Danu and Simhika;
Progeny of Kasyapa;
Dynasties of sages – Atri and Vasistha;
Propitiation of Pitrs by means of Shraddha;
Offering rice-cakes to Manes, feed the Brahmins;
Birth of daughter of Himavat; Birth of Skanda;
Perform with Shraddha and its features;
Penance  by Parshuram in Himalayas;
Parsuram’s vow to Kill Kshatriyas all over earth;
Parshuram/Bhargava propitiates Siva;
Parshuram meets Sage Agastya- hears hymn in praise of Lord Krishna;
Sagara’s vow- conquest of world;
Descent of Ganges from Himalayas;
Birth of Manu;
Iksvaku and Nimi dynasties;
Legend of Soma and Buddha;
Amavasu and Dhanvantari Dynasties;
King Yayati, Karttavlrya;
Jyamagha and Vrsni dynasties;
Dissolution of Universe, Siva’s abode and recreation;
Agastya’s visit to holy places;
Mohini and Slaying of Demon Alaka;
Goddess Lalita and her marriage with Kamesvara;
Lalitha in battlefield – slaying asuras;
Goddess Kamakshi;
Initiation in the cult of Goddesses;
^Believed to be best to give this book as a gift to a Brahmin.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana
(recited by Suta to the sages of Naimisharanya)
Part 1: Brahma Khanda- Brahma and his sons, esp. Narada;
Part 2: Prakriti Khanda- Goddesses or Saktis
Part 3: Ganesha Khanda: Ganesha, elephant headed;
Part 4: Krsna Janam Khanda- Life of Krishna;
This purana specifies that supreme god is Krishna unlike other puranas where para-brahman is supreme.
Markandeya Purana
(dialogue between sage Markandeya and Jaimini, disciple of Vyasa)
Jaimini’s doubts to Markandeya after he studies Mahabharata;
4 wise birds of Vindhyas speak to Jaimini;
14 Manvantaras
Durga Saptasati- Devi Mahamatya;
Ma Ambika help gods in their problems;
Brahmaji pray to Ma Bhagwati when Madhu Ketab want to kill him; Bhagwan krishna kills them after fighting 5000years;
Ma killing Mahisasur;
Puranic dynasties
Bhavishya Purana
(rishi Vyasa, the compiler of Vedas)
Part 1: Brahmaparvan:
Brahmanical ceremonies and feasts, duties of castes;
Duties of women; good and bad signs of people; Sun worship;
Part 2: Madhyamaparvan: Tantric elements
Part 3: Pratisargaparvan: Divided into 4 khandas that deal with Universal History.
First Khanda :
Kings of solar and lunar families; Kings of Maurya dynasty;
Origin of four Rajputs (Paramaras, Chauhans, Tomaras and Chalukyas) born of the fire on Mount Abu- Agnivamsis
Second Khanda:
Fables by Vetala to king Vikramaditya of Paramaras family;
Mentions sage Satyanarayana, grammarian Panini , and also Patanjali and Bopadeva
Third Khanda:
Mahoba, Kanauj and Delhi Kingdoms;
Battle of Kurukshetra in kali era for 18 days; 5 Pandu brothers reborn (curse of Siva); fight and die; Prithviraja survives on delhi side and Brahmananda on Mahoba;
Later prithviraja is killed by Shahabeddina in the second time;
Fourth Khanda:
Mleccha rulers Qutubuddin and Timur;
Acharyas Krishnachaitanya, sankara, Nanak and Kabir;
Akbar and Aurangzeb; Rise of Shivaji and invasion of Nadir Shah;
British (called Gurundas) and their occupation in India
Part 4: Uttaraparvan: Study of vows, festivals and donations;
*Puranas are open systems. It can be understood from the fact that this very purana mentions stories about Adam, Noah, to Akbar and Queen Victoria. It also mentions Zarathustra and Mahamada.

Shaiva’s Purana
Deals with
Shiva Purana
Dedicated to God Shiva consisted of 12 Samhitas and 100,000 slokas. After reconstruction and abridgement by Vedavyasa consists of 24000 slokas.
Linga Purana
Part 1: Origin of Linga, and worship; Creation of Cosmos, immolation of Kama; Marriage of Shiva; Surya and Soma; Varaha and Narsimha avatars of Vishnu
Part 2: Lord Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva
Part 3: 7 islands, Mount Meru and others;
Part 4: devotee Dhruva, origin of deities; Aaditya and Yadu dynasties; Demon Jalandhar; Origin of Ganesh.
Part 5: story of Upamanyu; imp. of Gurus; Yoga and installation of Linga.

Skanda Purana
(Largest Mahapurana; recited by Sage Vyasa)
Yajna of Prajapati Daksha
Churning of the Ocean and emergence of Amrita
Demon Tarakasura
Parvati and her marriage to Lord Shiva
Kartikeya and killing of Tarakasura
Killing of Pralambasura, Karamdham
Killing of  Shumbh, Nishumbh and Mahishasura
Vishnukund and Story of Padmavati
Jyotirlingas - holy shrines
Trishanku and Sage Vishvamitra
Narakas (hell)
Agni Purana
Chapter 1: 10 avatars of Vishnu
Chapter 2-4: Matsya, Kurma and Varaha avatars
Chapter 5-11: 7 Kandas of Ramayana (summ.)
Chapter 12: Harivamsha (summ.)
Chapter 13-15: Mahabharata
Chapter 16: Buddha and Kalki as avatars of Vishnu
Chapter 17-20: 5 essential charateristics of Puranas
Chapters 21-70: Rules of worship and repair of temple
Chapter 71: Ganesha Worship
Chapters 72-105: Worship of Linga
Chapter 106: Vastu for cities
Chapter 107: Manu
Chapter 108: Universe
Chapter 109-116: Tirthas
Chapter 117: Ancestral rites
Chapter 118-120: Geography of India and World
Chapter 121-149: Astronomy and Astrology
Chapter 150: Manvantaras
Chapter 151-167: Varnas
Chapters 168-174: Sins
Chapter 175-217: Vratas and religious gifts and vows
Chapters 218-248: Statecraft
Chapters 249-252: Dhanurveda
Chapters 254-258: Vyavahara and Mitakshara (law)
Chapters 259-271: Perusal of the Vedas
Chapter 273-278: Puranic dynasties
Chapter 279- 300: Medicine
Chapter 301-316: Surya and Tvarita worship
Chapter 317-326: Shiva’s ganas
Chapter 327: Linga in a temple
Chapters 328-335: Pingala sutras on metrics
Chapter 336: Vedic Phonetics
Chapter 337: Poetics and rhetoric
Chapter 338-347: Sanskrit Drama and Acting
Chapter 348: list of Monosyllabic words
Chapter 349-359: Sanskrit Grammar
Chapter 360-367: Lexicon on the pattern of Amarakosha
Chapter 369-370: Human Anatomy
Chapter 372-376: Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga
Chapter 377-380: Vedanta and Brahma
Chapter 381: gist of Bhagwad Gita
Chapter 382: Yama Gita
Chapter 383: Glorify this Purana
Vayu Purana

It consists of app. 112 Chapters:
Creation and re-creation of Universe;
Measurement of time (Kala);
Origin of Agni, Varuna and gods;
Origin of Sages, daityas, animals, birds, etc;
Kings from Manu and Ila upto the Gupta dynasty;
Earth and 7 dvipas and their inhabitants;
Solar System; Yugas and 14 Manvantaras;
Shakhas of Vedas, duties of people of diff. castes

Sattva : (“truth; purity”)
Rajas : (“dimness; passion”)
Tamas : (“darkness; ignorance”)

Key to Abbreviations:

app. : approximately
ref. : reference
b/w: between
summ. : summary
imp. : importance
diff. :difficult
desc. : description